Memorable Middle School

I have had so many wonderful memories over the course of this school year, but I do have three favorite memories out of those. This school has definitely been memorable for me. There have been so many fun activities and events that I got to participate in.

My absolute favorite memory from this school was the Knight at the Museum project and the night event. Preparing for the presentation was so fun because I made the big person with my friends which was a blast, and I had a lot of fun researching and making my trifold. It was so fun to come to school at night and hang out with my friends, and then start presenting. The entire experience was magical and VERY memorable. I dressed up for the event and got to do my presentation in a knight costume which was very fun. After the presentation was over we could then chat with our friends and listen to their projects.

My second favorite memory from the school year was the Valentines Day school dance. There were activities outside on the blacktop and there was a DJ inside the gym. My friends and I spent most of the time in the gym with the amazing songs playing and tons of dance floor room. Even before we went in the gym, there was pizza and drinks available, which were absolutely delicious. I will definitely remember this event.

One last event I will definitely remember from this school year would be the basketball school season. I had so much fun playing with my friends and learning alongside them. We had a blast going to scrimmages and practices as well as city finals. There was a lot to learn during the season, but it was so fun and an amazing environment to be in. everyone was so supportive and nice to each other. It made the whole group better. We all worked so well together and we saw so much improvement by the end of the season. I am so glad I decided to participate this school year. I will definitely remember this amazing experience. I hope next year’s basketball season is as fun as this year was.

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