Spoiled or Grateful

The message that happiness and satisfaction in life depends on how much is considered enough has a very strong meaning in life. It is true that if you believe you hold in your possession everything you could ever want or need, you will be very satisfied. If you always want something rather than being grateful for what you have, you will almost never be satisfied. The level of satisfaction that you have also determines how happy you will be in life. The children in the image above show both sides to this message. One is very happy with what he has, and the other wants more. Both of these children show real reactions in life, so the choice is yours of which you want to model.

This image shows a spoiled child unhappy, while a very much less fortunate child is extremely happy with life’s simple pleasures. This demonstrates that if you can have everything, what you have is never enough. The child on the left is unhappy even with all of the amazing things he has. Whereas the child on the right has only one toy to play with, but he looks like he has never been happier. Because this boy knows his family isn’t wealthy, he finds happiness with the supplies that he can. The child on the left knows his family is wealthy, so he wants everything. If he doesn’t have everything he wants when he wants it, the meltdown demonstrated occurs.

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